Excerpts (Previews)


For Reviews 

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Reviews are how word about my books gets out. For an Indie book publisher like myself this very difficult.  Here you will find excerpts and pdf copies of my books for review. It is my hope that you will go on to write a review on Social Media or e-book distributor sites. It will be a bonus if you go to purchase one or more of the books based on these previews.

Space Colony Journals

Book 1 - Options of Survival

Book 2 - Destiny Rising

Book 3 - Tomorrows Legacy

Book 4 - The Interstellar Jewel Heist

Book 5 - The Designer People

Book 6 - Alien Trails

Options Excerpt.pdf Options Excerpt.pdf
Size : 348.425 Kb
Type : pdf
Destiny Excerpt.pdf Destiny Excerpt.pdf
Size : 290.635 Kb
Type : pdf
Tomorrows Legacy- Excerpt .pdf Tomorrows Legacy- Excerpt .pdf
Size : 367.903 Kb
Type : pdf
IJH - EXCERPT docx.pdf IJH - EXCERPT docx.pdf
Size : 333.654 Kb
Type : pdf
Designer EXCERPT.pdf Designer EXCERPT.pdf
Size : 297.724 Kb
Type : pdf
EXCERPT 4 Alien Trails.pdf EXCERPT 4 Alien Trails.pdf
Size : 911.673 Kb
Type : pdf
Rulari Series

Book 1 - Spell of The Magi

Book 2 - Magi Storm

Excerpt - Spell of the Magi.pdf Excerpt - Spell of the Magi.pdf
Size : 854.522 Kb
Type : pdf
excerpt PDF 4 Magi Storm.pdf excerpt PDF 4 Magi Storm.pdf
Size : 1789.576 Kb
Type : pdf


JANUARY 31, 2020

The next adventure in the Sword & Sorcery sagas of the Magi of Rulari.

A simple act of kindness dumps a young healer into a web of magic intrigue and war. 

When Catrin arrives at the crumbling Wyvern Towers to unite Wild Magi Logan Silvermane aka the Weathermaker, with his baby son she discovers the place in ruins. Logan is on mission to convince an old friend to accept the new Magi Accords. The Accords will free Askela's enslaved Magi from the tyrany of the Proctors and help keep them safe from invasion from the nearby kingdom of Jacite. Can they suceed before a Jacite agent destroys them and Askela's best hope for peace?


St. Antoni Series

Book 1 - Warriors of St. Antoni

Book 2 - The Enforcers

WOSTA - Excerpt.pdf WOSTA - Excerpt.pdf
Size : 671.479 Kb
Type : pdf

Modern Artist Handbook Pamphlets

Book 1 - Introduction to the Internet

Book 2 - The hard Stuff

Book 3 - Art Show Basics

Book 4 - Framng on a Budget

Book 5 - Are You Making Money?

© Copyright Gail Daley Writer