The Modern Artist’s Handbook Vol 2 The Hard Stuff, is an introduction to taxes, licenses, insurance and record keeping, Included are sample agreements for art commissions, sales of art, sales of art with installments, etc. and information needed to put on either a one-man show or a group show, along with sample documents to help you operate your art business at a profit.
Format is a soft cover pamphlet. Format is a soft cover pamphlet. Click Here to buy

The Modern Artist’s Handbook Vol 4 Framing On A Budget,
Have you just come back from taking your art to a professional framer? Suffering from sticker shock?
Yep, a good frame costs money. Sometimes a good frame will cost you more than your asking price for your work! Want to avoid fracturing your budget and still have great looking frames? You aren't alone. Read aboutframing in general and the difference between framing for the home décor market and art shows or galleries.
Want to learn some ways to make your art look good without fracturing your bank account? How and where to find inexpensive new frames or where to find used frames? Learn how to do some basic repairs so a used frame looks as good as a new one? Then this pamphlet is for you!
Format is a soft cover pamphlet. Click Here to Buy